Our Vision and Mission

“Continuing Jesus’ mission to make disciples by being disciples.”

Continuing Jesus Mission…

  1. We believe that God’s mission was to establish his Kingdom sending his Son to be His King and so rescue His people through the shedding of His blood so that the people might be blessed as God’s People in God’s Land with God’s Presence so that through them others might be blessed.
  2. We believe that the coming of Jesus was the heart of God’s mission and that in his life, ministry and death Jesus embodied and inaugurated God’s Kingdom.
  3. We believe that, as followers of Christ and as members of His Kingdom, the mission of the Church is to realise that Kingdom here on earth.

 to make disciples…

  1. We believe that the purpose of God’s mission is to make disciples, as Jesus said to his followers, ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ by ‘teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’
  2. We believe the mission of the church is an inalienable extension of the mission of Jesus Christ: He inaugurated the Kingdom of God we are to proclaim its arrival; He defined God’s reign, we are to live with Jesus as our Lord.

 by being disciples…

  1. We believe that the emphasis in making disciples is as much on who we are as on what we do.


 Consequently that means that we believe:

  1. Trusting God: That our lives should be marked by prayer and Bible study as we show our obedience to and dependence on God.
  2. Pleasing God: That we should try to put God first in everything we do, before our wants, our opinions, our feeling and our needs.
  3. Loving people: That we should accept, value and love all people as fellow sinners before a loving God.
  4. Reaching people: That we should love our family, friends, neighbours and strangers so much that we will proclaim Christ in word and deed to help them to come to know God for themselves.
  5. Worshipping together: That we should make it a priority to meet together as a Church and see worship as an opportunity to serve and encourage one another.